Product & Startup Builder

A generation's crisis of faith

Added on by Chris Saad.

This came to me in a conversation in a dream just now. I said...

For my generation we saw the twin towers fall proving we weren't safe and even buildings were not indestructible. Planes could fall out of the sky at any moment.

We saw Bush and Cheney take us into a manufactured war in Iraq, proving to us that the government didn't serve the people.

We saw the news media fail to inform the electorate about the truth of the war proving to us that the media no longer served its function. That truth and information about common facts and fiction were malleable.

We saw the housing bubble take down the global economy showing that wall street and the financial system was just a house of cards. That ownership was a farce.

We saw people on social media - our fellow men and women - become increasingly polarized revealing them to be lacking in all common sense or rational thought.

And through it all we saw religion used as a tool to manipulate and separate people, proving that it's just a construct made and wielded by men to control other men.

All of the institutions previous generations put their faith in have proven to be false and naïve. I wonder how this has affected our psyche and behavior. I wonder how much some of the craziness we see can be attributed to this fundamental crisis of faith.

What do we believe in now? What should we believe in?


Maybe some of the outcomes are positive. Maybe this fundamental reset of old world structures is allowing us to unbundle our old institutions for greater efficiencies and personalization. Maybe it's driving things like the on-demand economy where ownership is less important than convenient access.

Twin Towers NY 24.jpg