Product & Startup Builder

How To Identify Toxic People

Added on by Chris Saad.

How to identify toxic people:

When you encounter people who are regularly badmouthing others and constantly surrounded by drama that “isn’t their fault” - you can usually be rest assured that they are the source of the problems in their life.

It’s pretty easy to tell how they operate, though, because as part of their bad mouthing, they are typically reflecting their worst traits onto others. Just listen. Whatever they’re blaming others for is exactly what they themselves have done.

Historically the small tech community has hesitated to call these kind of people out because we don’t want blow back. But many of us know who they are. I think it would help a lot of founders if we collectively made a stand against these people more swiftly.

Sometimes it’s extra hard because these people, at times, appear to add a lot of value. But really it’s like an abusive relationship. As a friend of mine once said, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.

 Originally posted on Facebook

Cruise's First Driverless Car

Added on by Chris Saad.

This is the future. Any mobility company not aggressively perusing this form-factor is in trouble. Traditional car layouts (with a drivers seat etc) will become small-scale luxury items (like horses). This chariot style vehicle running on ride share networks are going to take over most mobility needs currently serviced by cars and even busses.

Youtube Video: “Exclusive look at Cruise’s first fully driverless car”

The Need to Reintroduce Ourselves

Added on by Chris Saad.

Sometimes I feel like I’m regularly reintroducing myself to people. Every few years. As a son, as a student, as a graduate, as an entrepreneur, as a worker, as a husband, etc.

We all change all the time. If we’re very lucky we’re evolving into better, more comfortable versions of ourselves.

If that’s the case, we have to keep reintroducing ourselves to our lifelong friends and family and measure the distance we’ve come by the new connections (often with old people) that we form.

Originally posted on Facebook

Porsche vs. Tesla

Added on by Chris Saad.

People (especially Robert) have asked me why I don’t drive an electric car - particularly a Tesla. Here’s my thinking...

Remember when horse riding was a thing people did out of necessity, and now it’s a sport and novelty?

That’s the difference between a Porsche sports car and a Tesla with its self driving tech.

As a practical car that gets you from A to B, probably nothing beats a Tesla. It drives itself!

As a thing you do as a hobby/sport/activity in and for itself, nothing (for me) beats a Porsche. You drive IT.

I don’t have a commute, so that’s why I’m comfortable driving a car with a combustion engine every now and then. I believe, in the future, a few classic relics (used infrequently) will be fine. But the vast majority of travel and power must come from clean sources.

Originally posted on Facebook

So Many Things Are Broken

Added on by Chris Saad.

Lately I go around the world and I see so many broken things. So many small but obvious things that the employees and owners of spaces apparently don’t notice or don’t care about.

Either my OCD has gotten worse or my expectations have gotten higher. Probably a little or both.

Disgusting public toilets in otherwise nice restaurants, bad smells in hotels, over-scanned TVs displaying clearly cut off news headlines, damaged/aging laminate in little cafes. On and on.

No pride. No ownership.

Originally posted on Facebook

Visiting Parliament House

Added on by Chris Saad.

Visiting our nations capital. A beautiful building covered in grass and open to all who want to visit.

 Sitting in the chamber for House of Representatives there was a large family of Africans from Burundi. A country I later found out has a history of assassinations and coups. The father was explaining to his children how the leaders of Australia sit here and discuss the laws.

 Brought a tear to my eye. We’re so lucky.

 Note the senator palpatine in the senate of the LEGO replica located in one of the rooms. Gotta love aussie humor.

The World Is Like A Huge High-Rise - And It's On Fire

Added on by Chris Saad.

“The world is like a huge high-rise. The first 50 floors are on fire and the people on level 100 are having parties and focused on trying to make it to level 900. Since 50 floors are on fire the price of everything above is going up because there’s more scarcity. So the people on levels 51 to 900 are getting excited that the value of their apartments is increasing.”

A great analogy by Marcus Segal

Originally posted on Facebook

Response To Climate Denial Post

Added on by Chris Saad.

My comment on a climate denial post (and huge, supportive comment thread) reposted here for posterity:


Sending thoughts and prayers from Australia, where the entire continent (the size of mainland USA) is on fire for the first time in recorded history.

I’d love to participate in this thread, but I’m too busy watching the escalating wars play out in the Middle East so that the west can protect and control the supply of oil for the highly subsidized oil and gas industry.

I just want to say it totally makes sense that we continue to dig up dinosaurs and deploy the military to foreign lands to use decades old tech in the 21st century. It’s a smart, forward thinking idea.

Also, I know those scientists and eco-nerds are totally perpetrating a huge hoax on us. They have a massive financial incentive to stand in the way of those friendly and ethical oil companies from making massive profits. It’s like big Tabasco - but in reverse!

Go team!

Originally posted on Facebook