Product & Startup Builder

Remember your agency and check your narratives

Added on by Chris Saad.

Regular reminder:

1. You are the only one you can control. Taking maximum accountability for your choices and experiences makes you are an empowered creator of your life instead of a victim.

If someone is hurting you and you do not distance yourself - you are the one to blame. Not them.

2. Your narratives play a big role in the decisions you ultimately make. Being vigilant about pruning or rewriting false narratives or narratives that no longer serve you allows you to write a new, better story.

If you tell yourself comforting lies then you will make ill-informed decisions that undermine your happiness and success.

3. You and your decisions are not immutable. New information will produce new decisions. You get to change your narratives and choices every second of every day.

Who do you want to be tomorrow? Decide on the ideal and work backward from there.