Product & Startup Builder

Creating meaning and cheating death with institutions

Added on by Chris Saad.

I watched the last episode of Star Trek: Picard season 1 last night.

I’m not ashamed to say I teared up.

At first it feels ridiculous to be so invested in a TV show and fictional characters. But then I’m reminded it’s like so many other things in life.

We create these long lived institutions that survive generations - certain kinds of car companies, tv shows, sporting teams, companies, governments, religions, families.

They collect so much storied lineage and history long before our birth or involvement, and they continue long after we die.

Then we place ourselves inside them.

Why? Because It helps us feel a part of something bigger, It gives us a sense of legacy and, perhaps, just a little bit of immortality.

This is the way we deal with our mortality, create some meaning in our lives and try to cheat death just a little bit.