Product & Startup Builder

Boundaries vs triggers

Added on by Chris Saad.

Boundaries are very important in life. You must understand, clarify and communicate them to others. Boundaries protect you.

However when ones boundaries are crossed the result should be a clear and rational response.

When “boundaries” create visceral emotional responses they are more aptly described as “triggers”.

Triggers are unhealthy. They are raw nerves. They don’t protect you - they hurt you and others.

Triggers require intentional work in order to dull their control over you and their distructive effects on others. The first step is to identify them explicitly. The next is to let go of the narratives that feed them. It takes time and effort.

In the mean time, try to catch yourself early during an emotional reaction and try your best to eject out as quickly as possible. Making excuses to justify your sensitivities just serves to prolong the process.
