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Star Trek is the opposite of Star Wars

Added on by Chris Saad.

People love to compare, compete or lump Star Trek and Star Wars together.

It's self-evident that they are totally different from each other.

It struck me this morning, however, how they are actually the polar opposite of each other.

Some examples…

Star Wars is about humans defeating technology using intuition and spirituality. Star Trek is about technology defeating scarcity so that humans can be logical and rational.

Star Wars is about fiercely individual people who reluctantly and temporarily cooperate when their interests align relying on raw talent and luck. Star Trek is about people who pledge loyalty to each other and go through extensive training to work in concert to overcome their obstacles.

Star Wars is about the needs of the individuals (our heroes) outweighing the needs of the many (the empire) - an anti-fascism message. Star Trek is about the tension and balance between the needs of the many and the needs of the one - a message of individual rights and contributions within effective institutions for collective action.

Star Wars is about war. Star Trek is about peace.

Star Wars is about solving problems with weapons. Star Trek is about solving problems with words.

Star Wars is about scientifically impossible things. Star Trek is about scientifically inevitable things.

Star Wars is about scarcity. Star Trek is about abundance.

I like Star Wars. It's fun. But I live Star Trek.

Yes, I'm proudly a nerd who over-thinks this stuff.